Labour law changes in 2024

Key Legislative Changes in 2024 Fourth Bureaucracy Relief Act (BEG IV): From January 1, 2025, essential terms of employment can be provided electronically (e.g., via email) instead of requiring signed paper documents. Exceptions apply to high-risk industries such as construction and hospitality or if the employee specifically requests written documents. Read more…

What is collective labour law?

Collective labour law can be subdivided into two levels:

Collective bargaining law – the level dealing with relations between trade unions, employer associations and individual employers.

Workplace labour relations law (also known as works constitution) – the level dealing with relations between employer and workforce in individual establishments.

Collective bargaining law

Collective bargaining autonomy is among the constitutionally protected rights of trade unions and employer associations. The collective bargaining partners thus have the right to enter into collective agreements under their own responsibility. (more…)