Labour law changes in 2024

Key Legislative Changes in 2024 Fourth Bureaucracy Relief Act (BEG IV): From January 1, 2025, essential terms of employment can be provided electronically (e.g., via email) instead of requiring signed paper documents. Exceptions apply to high-risk industries such as construction and hospitality or if the employee specifically requests written documents. Read more…

Deceased employee’s request for termination agreement effective

Termination Agreement: What happens in Germany if a contractual termination agreement has been already been signed and the employee dies afterwards? Is the termination agreement still valid? The Landesarbeitsgericht Baden-Württemberg has already decided (judgement of 15.12.2021, 2 Sa 11/21). If the death of the employee occurs during the contract conclusion phase of Read more…

Protection against dismissal under German labour law

The regulations on protection against dismissal should give stability and security to the employment relationship. If all conditions for termination have been complied with in all points, the termination is considered effective. Lawsuit against unfair dismissal The employee may file complaint against unfair dismissal at the German Labour Court (Arbeitsgericht Read more…